Șinca Veche, the temple of the ancient ones

Today, I will take you on a trip to Romania, we will go not so far from Brașov, 45 km actually. This place is very interesting full of history, and for those who don’t like too much history then they can just admire the view. At Șinca Veche, we can see a kind of monastery, the temple made in a cave.

This cave appears to be mentioned the first time around the XII century. Still, some voices say that the monastery was initially a temple dedicated to Zalmoxis, the God of the Dacian people. To this theory comes the archeological discoveries dated from Roman times found nearby. Ceramics from those times were found. There were also found 6 Dacic homes, 13 pits, some containing ceramics. There were also found some coins. One from Tiberius’s time, and the other 4 Romans coins. Some locals say nearby was also a roman fortification that wasn’t studied by the archeologists. The locals also say that hidden in the bushes is a tomb that belonged to a Roman general. On the other side, what used to be a road from Roman times is the temple. Some people say that the temple was much older, dating for a few thousand years.
The temple has 5 rooms and two shrines. In one of the rooms is an opening that goes outside the cave. The walls of caves are made of tiny grains of sand and hone.

In the cave are different inscriptions made. Not religions ones. There is a hexagram and also a yin yang carved in the walls. You can see also something that looks like a portrait  some say represents Jesus.

In the cave are different inscriptions. Not religious ones. There is a hexagram and also yin yang carved in the walls. You can see also something that looks like a portrait some say represents Jesus.
Some say that the temple wasn’t Christian as it has two shrines and mysterious carvings on the walls. Others say that the two shrines come from the fact that there probably were two churches in the cave and the walls collapsed at some point. Some historians believe that this place is unique in the world. On the walls are also some inscriptions that look like an old language unknown. The temple is also called the temple of wishes, as here the wishes become true. In the cave, during the years, many strange things happen. Many heard voices crying. Some of the pictures taken inside the temple appeared some odd spots, others when they tried to record, the video recorder started to act weird. People that come here feel-good energy. Some people used to bring goods in the cave to charge with good energy. On the hill where the cave is, people say that nothing grows and there are radiations.
Beside this cave, you can also see some lovely big stones called trovanți that are on the way and the nature, a beautiful spring nearby. This is the link to the map to help you get faster.:https://www.google.com/maps/dir//45.7637298,25.1713127/@45.763712,25.16869,11z?hl=en

Here you can find more info about it. Unfortunately, everything is just in Romanian http://sincaveche.ro. 

Below is a video that I found on YouTube about the temple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmu6OxnBSe8

I hope you enjoyed it. Pictures and videos are gathered from all around.

 I haven’t been yet in the place. It is on my list. Then, I can tell you precisely if there is some good energy or wishes come true…

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